table tennis racket


My Round robin Tournament SCHeduling for Table tennis


Myrtscht has got an odd name – I know. The explanation of the name one can see in the subtitle. And I think that is nearly enough to know what one can do with the program. But let us become concrete (meaning the adjective):

Myrtscht is a program managing round robins. In contrast to the name one can also use it for other games than table tennis. Currently it is only required, that standoffs are not allowed. By the way: It is written in Perl.

Using myrtscht may seem a difficult as everything is done in the command line. But I tried to make it as easy as possible.



NOTE: This is the old Roadmap section. Since I reconsidered my plans with the result to rewrite the complete distribution, these information are not anymore relevant: I decided to create the graphical user interface now. (See also this post about this decision.) However, I'll keep the old roadmap for those who are interested.

The following points will be gone about in this order. It is probable that there will be added some more things. Completed points disappear. Section Protocol reports on the state of development.

  1. Provide a package for downloading.
  2. Knock everything into shape./Create a solid basis basis for further coding. – I have not worked on the whole project for a long period. When I looked at it the last time everything was really messy. So this point includes setting up a well-ordered online git repository and then revising the complete code and package structure.
  3. Apply a git-like command line syntax. – To my mind, a growing number of people gets used to git and additionally, the current command line syntax of myrtscht is not very comfortable.
  4. Provide the possibility of saving preferences into a configuration file instead of typing them on command line everytime running the program.
  5. Upload the documentation. – Currently it is reachable as soon as you have installed the program. Of course you could also look into the source code. – I suppose POD is fairly easily readable.
  6. Switch from ExtUtils::MakeMaker to Module::Build. – I suppose that the more future-compliant alternative.
  7. Make the program ready for internationalization via gettext(1).
  8. Find a non-critical but surprising intermittent bug. – I am going to write about that when time has come.
  9. Write a handler for very strange exceptions which could occur in tournament situations.
  10. Write a ranking algorithm which handles tournaments allowing standoffs. – I plan that to be the milestone for version 1.0.
  11. Create a graphical user interface. – Quite a long-term aim.